Tuesday, August 7, 2007

India Is 60:Are We?

60 Years .Hmm...quite a long time.Yes,India is turning 60 this 15th.Its a moment of joy for all of us ,Indians.One question that peeps through my mind each time I prepare myself to celebrate is:"India is 60.But,Are we Indians, are?".Sixty years in any persons life,who has a reasonable exposure to nuances of life,would bring him a maturity.But at sixty,are we Indians matured enough?Are we matured at all?

Indian public are one of the most "Publicaly Challenged" mass.Seeing other countries, we lack a notion of responsibility in public life.It could be from throwing out a cigarette butt on a pathway to spitting out of a window out of a running car to digging out the newly laid road surface,of all,for ones ancestral ceremony.The disheartening factor is,the so called literates, are plagued most by this disease.

Other day,in a shop near my office,one techie guy was enjoying his cigarette.Once done, he happily threw the butt away on to the road and drove his brand new "SWIFT" away from the shop.Lying there was a poor dust bin,20 centimeters away from where this guy was "exhausting his smokes"(!??).It would have taken him 0.1 calories more to reach the trash bin.I suppose,smoking would have rendered him that much weaker.OOPS!!The 30 cm radius of this trash bin was filled with just that.And no points for guessing,bin was empty.May be I missed it.Have they introduced "BALL IN BASKET" competition in Beijing Olympics?

What is it that makes us what we are like?Are we showing to the world that we do not deserve the laxity that is given to us?Are we fit only to be told?Are we so parasitic,that we cant manage our own environ?And yet,so stupid to comment later, about untidiness of the roads?

The question usually I encounter when I talk to people about this is:"Does the problem gets solved if I and I alone stop doing this?".The answer is a clear "NO".But wait,don't start jumping, the question we are posing is wrong.Instead I will be asking my selves "On my part,what can I do to correct the situation?"Again,answer is clear: "Stop Doing It."I sincerely believe it is not in my prowess to change the world.Nonetheless,I am good enough to change myself.

My resolution for this August 15th is:I will crib about system only once a day.(Yeah,you heard it right.).And,hone my skills of putting a "BALL IN THE BASKET". -:)

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