Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Naayak Nahin...

Indian news in electronic media seems to be following a particular pattern.This pattern is emerging prominently in past 3-4 weeks.Each week they identify a KhalNayak and spend endless hours discussing the poor guy.And that too in scant regard to the viewers prefrence.How many times you can watch a bearded,bemoaning Kalmadi on your TV screens ?

The pioneer of the KhalNayak pattern for the month was the Amit Shah. He might or might not have committed a crime.Regardless he has to be prosecuted.He appeared so many times on small screen in a week,it easily amounts to Privacy Infringement suit.And the following weeks were dominated by CWG hall of fame shabby stadiums and shady deals.Wonder what these guys were doing in last 4 years when the work was in progress for CWG.Now,out of the blue they are finding scape goats in Kalmadi and Co.Whatever happened to the Babus of various departments who would have made life time fortunes from CWG.The buck is down and everybody wants a pie.

No one would have imagined that a No-Ball bowled on a cricket field would flare up to a full fledged diplomatic row between two countries. It was an utterly inconsequential and insignificant cricket match which no one will remember after a week.A fledgling bowler bowls a innocuous No-ball,which in any case does not have any bearing on the outcome of the match.Again,thanks to the Indian media.They have managed to make an issue out of nowhere. Whats more ludicrous is they are trying to find a new perpetrator every day.First it was bowler,then the captian and now it is Dilshan. Was SriLankan president watching the match? May be its a full fledged conspiracy by SriLanka to prevent Sehwag from scoring a century ?

The advent of electronic media was seen as a breath of fresh air in India.With stinking governance and shameless political class ,media could have been more than a sensation creator.A cricket no-ball taking precedence over lack of monsoon in large parts of the country is a frightful sign.Guess as with everything else media is just a reflection of our mindset. Tokenism and Victimizing ,whilst leaving the issue untouched.

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