Saturday, March 6, 2010

Sexy Swamys

Two Swamys,one from North India and other from Southern India dominated the media this week.Apparently for wrong but colorful reasons.Swamy number one Bhimananda(SB) was caught on rather a indolent sex racket. Other swamy Nityananda(SN) was in the focus for a more varied reasons.A successful double enactment in a Raasaleela and ensuing TRP rating increase for certain channels.There was unconfirmed reports that number of visits to certain masala sites on the net were significantly lower in the mid of this week. Most of the user base tuned into some of the famous (so called) news channels.

The grudging and talking point about SBs sex racket was that he was earning 2.5 lakhs per day.And better, he was due to get thousands of crores of money.He achieved this in a very short period of time. We talk about lack of entrepreneurship in India. This is one guy we should nurture and protect.If it means amending some laws, so be it. We need innovative talents like this.

SNs case is bit more funny. It seems he claimed to have some Divyadirshti.(Ability to look beyond present.).But this stupid a***** could not notice camera in his bed room.That too not once,but twice. May be his Dirshti (Vision) was blinded by Kaama (Lust). Any case, Indian government should consider making him the governor of a state. He can carry forward the legacy left behind by likes of Mr.N.D.Tiwary.

Frankly, it does not matter what a person does behind the closed doors of his bedroom.In SNs case, his crime at the most amounts to Hypocrisy.Of all the people we Indians do not have any moral right to talk about that. After all we are the strongest advocates of the proposition:"A Rule for all:Not for me". As a mass ,we are the biggest Hypocrites.

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