Thursday, February 25, 2010

Story of Billion Hopes

It ammuses me to no end when I see this :"One Person Carrying Billion Hopes when going out to Bat" .Well , he can count on me.I will not be resting my hopes on any sportster.Whether he is Batting,Bowling,Fielding or doing whatever he can do.That makes it 1 billion-1 hopes. Right now I have set my hopes on our Finance Minister, who is about to present a budget.Hope he gives some respite for me by giving tax breaks.

Flashback to April 2007. India lose to Sri Lanka and exit from the world cup in the first round. Tendulkar & Co. were chastised and were subjected to endless scrutiny.At least one member in the Indian team would have wished he was in Bob Wolmer's room. They allegedly thrashed Billion -1 hopes. The castigation was so severe in the media,that even Kasab would have felt less guiltier.

Fast forward to present.Tendulkar scores double hundred in a rather inconsequential ODI.Media,Public go berserk. All channels unanimously appoint Tendulkar as god of India(=Cricket). If a non cricket follower watched Indian channels,news papers,forums they would think India got their independence on 24th Feb,2010.

Amidst all this,a big thanks to Tendulkar.For the number of times he brought smiles on our faces all these years.Carry on maestro,without the weight of my Hopes on you !!

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