Thursday, April 1, 2010

Down the Maruti Lane..

Maruti is phasing out Maruti-800. Its sort of a nostalgic moment for many of my generation.For all its vulnerabilities 800 was a landslide success.Before this sleek compact looking car hit the road there were two predominant cars.Big bulky Ambassador with mostly white and some black colored ones.And then the Fiat with that strange engine cacophony.Both were pathetic when it came to looks.In a (then)small town like Bangalore we hardly used to see any other cars other than these two.Some occasional Impalas and Contessas.

800 really added new color to the monochromatic roads.It came in Brick Red,Dark blue,Brown and White colors.The initial German version of 800 was not that eye catchy.But the newer versions that are their today were at that time a revelation in design. But,even today I hear people boasting about how the 1985 German version Maruti engine is performing exceptionally for them. Indian version Marutis Chassis looked fragile and people say engine is not that great.But, the newer 800 was one of our own. Its entirely Made In India.

Technical aspects apart, this car changed the perception of middle class India about owning a car.Before 800 the cars were primarily for Sarakari Babus or Ministers who used the Ambassadors. And the Fiats were for some Doctors and other small business men who could afford a car. Wonder what cars were preferred then by movie stars and Industrial big shots. But advent of 800 changed all that. A Government servant or a PSU worker with an above average salary could actually afford this tiny car. More than the initial investment what could have attracted a salaried man to this car was the maintenance cost. Indian spares and the wide network of service centers meant that one ended up spending half the money to maintain this car,compared to other available options . Maruti had struck a cord of the Indian middle class.

800 also means lot of sweet personal memories. Few one day excursions with cousins on occasional Sundays. The fight for the front seat next to the driver. And holding on to that most coveted steering wheel and dreaming of becoming the best driver in the world.(No,I had not heard of Michael Schumacher then). Thank you Maruti..(800)..:D

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