Tuesday, February 9, 2010

An Opinion about Opinion

A famous notorious quote reads:"A Opinion is like *******,everybody seems to have one."In India people seems to have at least two opinions on each issue.The number of opinions,specifically of those disposable celebrities, is directly proportional to the number of news channels that interview them.

There was a famous interview of our former son of soil(oops!! former PM) when he visited Anantnag in Jammu. A press reporter threw a innocuous question at our then Honorable PM on the Anantnag riots that had happened few days before. Mr.PM promptly responded with his opinion on Mr.Anantnag,who was then a minister in Karnataka government.And that Opinion had lot of venom, since Mr.Anantnag had identified himself with the opposing faction,leaving the reporter perplexed.This is the first kind of opinion:out of context,but still speaks your mind.

There is other kind of opinion that is very prevalent,and the funniest of all.The opinions of the instant cricket experts.There are no dearth of channels on which the likes of Mr.Nikhil Chopra advising Dravids and Tendulkars on how to play short ball.The last time when Mr.Chopra took the field he had 80 runs to his name in an ODI. And he was consistently achieving this feet in his previous matches.Unfortunately for him that was in the bowling card. But still that does not prevent him from expressing his Opinions.These are kind of opinions which nobody cares , including person who asked for the Opinion.

And the third kind of opinions are primarily expressed to meet some business ends.As Mr.SRK did recently. Its very strange that it occurred to SRK that the treatment meted out to Pak players was bad just a week before his movie was being released in Pak. It does not matter that as a franchise owner he was in a better position to pick at least one Pak player. All that matters is that he had two different businesses to run and his opinions was just formed around that.

The only public body which does not seem to have any opinions is the office of President of India.Our Honorable Ms.President appears to be so aesthetic that she is almost a non-entity.We see her in public only two times an year.These people seem to have no opinion on any issues and even if they had nobody cares to ask them.And in country like India,guess that's the best approach.

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